Shani Vakri in 2023

Shani Vakri in 2023 Posted on June 15, 2023

Shani Vakri in 2023

We all know that Lord Shani is the ruler of Saturn, and he is the one in charge. Lord Shani is known for his strictness and fairness, and he is considered to be a powerful force in astrology. He is said to be the one who brings justice and balance to our lives. People think that the Saturn transits always have a negative impact, but that is not true because it depends on which house the planet is. Lord Shani has the power to bring good fortune, and it is believed that if we follow his laws, we will be blessed with prosperity and success. He also has the ability to bring much-needed discipline and structure to our lives. Therefore, it is important to understand the effects of Saturn and use it to our advantage.

When Saturn is in its retrograde movement, it is referred to as Shani Vakri, also known as Saturn retrograde. According to Surya Siddhanta, when Saturn's angular difference from the Sun is 115 to 245 degrees, Saturn becomes retrograde. This retrograde motion of Saturn is observed from Earth around every 19 months and it lasts for about four and a half months. During this period, it is suggested to avoid taking any major decisions and instead focus on reviewing past decisions. When Saturn is in the 3rd, 7th or 8th house from the Sun in the horoscope, it is retrograde. During its retrograde motion, Saturn will appear to move in the opposite direction of the other planets in the sky. It is also said that this is a time for reflection and meditation. Sometimes it is in a retrograde state even when it is situated in the 5th and 9th houses. It is also important to be mindful of the consequences of one's actions. It is a period to be aware and be conscious of the choices one is making. The retrograde planet is closer to earth and has more effects. Retrograde planets produce inauspicious and auspicious results when their strength increases.

Saturn Retrograde in 2023

According to Indian time, Saturn will start traveling in retrograde motion on June 17, 2023, and till November 04, 2023, it will remain retrograde, that is, it will move in the reverse direction. Saturn will retrograde in Aquarius on June 17 and then return to Aquarius on November 04. During the retrograde period, Saturn's effects will become more prominent, and it will be beneficial to follow the remedial measures advised by Ms Swaati Mehrotra. It will be important to take the right decisions with patience and understanding during this period. Shani will be in the Shatabhisha Nakshatra in Aquarius, so it will give auspicious and inauspicious results with more intensity. According to Ms Swaati Mehrotra, Shatabhisha Nakshatra is Rahu's Nakshatra. Saturn's entry into the Shatabhisha Nakshatra increases political conflict, personal allegations and counter-allegations nationally. India's image and importance will increase internationally. India will also succeed diplomatically. Apart from this, there will be chances of natural disasters and accidents.

Effect of the retrograde movement of Saturn on these zodiac signs

Shani likes discipline and hard work, and the person who adopts these qualities in his life gets Shani's auspicious effects. The effect of the retrograde motion of Saturn on the 12 zodiac signs will be as follows:

  • Capricorn And Aquarius: Saturn's transit can bring bad results for Capricorn and Aquarius, and people of these zodiac signs need to be cautious during the transit period of Saturn. This period is inauspicious for your business, wealth, and health. It is advised to avoid taking big risks during this period. Worshiping Lord Shiva can help bring positivity in life. Meditation and yoga can help relieve stress and anxiety.
  • Gemini and Libra: Time is auspicious for the people of these zodiac signs, and they can expect good results in general. They should take advantage of this period to make important decisions and plan for the future. It is also important to maintain a positive attitude and stay focused on the goals. Taking regular breaks is also beneficial to keep the mind relaxed and refreshed.
  • Cancer, Scorpio And Pisces: Time is not auspicious for these zodiac signs. Do your work carefully. Don't take any risks and stay away from arguments and confrontations. Keep a distance from people who may bring negative energies in your life. Spend time with people who can bring positivity to your life.
  • Aries, Leo And Sagittarius: Time is auspicious for these people. This is because these zodiac signs are known for their ambition and risk-taking tendencies. They may be more likely to take risks and engage in confrontations that may not be beneficial in the long run. By surrounding themselves with positive people, they can stay on a productive path and have the support they need to stay focused and achieve their goals.
  • Taurus And Virgo: All the bad works of these people will be done, and time is very auspicious. They should also avoid negative influences, such as gossip and pessimism, as these can lead them down a path of procrastination and discouragement. With the right support and encouragement, they can reach their highest potential and lead a successful and productive life.

A good fruit is given by Shani

If Saturn transits in the third, sixth, and eleventh house from the Moon in the horoscope, the person gets very auspicious results. In addition, if the birth chart or the Janam Kundli shows that Shani's position is also good, then the time of fortune comes in a person's life. All his works seem to get done, and he reaches the heights of success. To get Shani's auspicious results, it is very imperative to improve your behavior according to Sam Shani. Shani emphasizes discipline, diligent work, conscientiousness, justice, right conduct in life, and walking on the right path. If a person imbibes these qualities in his life, he becomes extremely successful by getting Shani Dev's auspicious results.

Remedies for the Saturn Retrograde include donating food to the needy, offering prayers to Lord Saturn, reciting mantras, and engaging in charity. Meditation and mindfulness practices will become popular. People will become more conscious of the environment and will take steps to reduce their carbon footprints. They will be more connected to their spiritual side and will strive to achieve inner peace.

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