Can you buy a Jyotish gemstone during Mercury Retrograde?

Can you buy a Jyotish gemstone during Mercury Retrograde? Posted on August 2, 2023

Can you buy a Jyotish gemstone during Mercury Retrograde?

Mercury Retrograde is one of the most popular (and most dreaded) planetary transits, regularly talked about in both Western and Vedic Astrology. My guess is that people notice it more than other transits because it affects our vehicles, gadgets, travel plans, computers, communication, and mental states – things that are not exactly subtle or easy to ignore.

Traditional wisdom suggests that signing contracts or making significant purchases during Mercury Retrograde should be avoided, recommending that this three week phase be used for reflection and contemplation instead.

Many of our customers are worried about buying or receiving their gems when Mercury goes retrograde. We definitely take extra precautions during this time to ensure our shipping labels and other administrative tasks are done accurately. However, is it really necessary to delay or bypass a purchase altogether if it coincides with a retrograde phase?

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