Kamdrud dosh:
What it is: When there are no planets on either side of the Moon in a birth chart, it can lead to issues like depression, anxiety, and financial problems.
Donate milk, rice, or sugar.
Wear 50% silver & 50 % gold metal ring
Chant the mantra "Om Chandraya Namaha."
Pray to Lord Shiva & wear 2 mukhi rudraksha to mitigate the negative effects
To book personal consultaion Whatsapp on 91- 8471087873
Bandhan dosh:
What it is: Bandhan dosh occurs due to multiple conjunctions in the birth chart, particularly involving unfavorable placements of Saturn (Shani) and Mars. It is associated with the 12th and 6th houses and can lead to issues like imprisonment and health problems.
Pray to Lord Hanuman.
Fast on Tuesdays.
Chant the mantra "Om Han Hanumate Rudratmakaya Hum Phat" 108 times.
Praying to Lord Hanuman can help remove the negative impact of this yog.
Grahan yog:
What it is: Grahan yog occurs when the Moon or Sun is influenced by Rahu or Ketu in the birth chart. This can happen when the Moon is with Rahu, the Sun is with Rahu, the Moon is with Ketu, or the Sun is with Ketu. It can lead to various problems in life.
Sun with Rahu bad yog:
Moon with Rahu or Ketu:
Jupiter is considered the most auspicious planet. However, its placement in certain houses can lead to challenges. For example, if Jupiter is in the 5th house, it might cause difficulties in conceiving a child. In the 7th house, it can delay or cause problems in marriage. When Jupiter is in the 9th house, luck may not be on one's side.
Strengthen the house where Jupiter is placed:Shani drishti dosh:
What it is: Shani drishti dosh occurs when Saturn (Shani) casts its malefic influence on certain houses in the birth chart, causing problems.